What Is Insoluble Fibre Food?

Insoluble fibre has many of the health benefits of soluble fiber, but there are some key differences between these two dietary fibres.

What Does Insoluble Fibre Do?

insoluble fiberInsoluble fibre has many of the health benefits of soluble fiber, but there are some key differences.

Because it is insoluble, this allows it to sweep through the digestive system, cleansing as it passes through.

Along the way, this fiber supplies key prebiotic and probiotic nutrients to support the health of the vitally important microbiome.


Insoluble fibre can also assist in weight loss by providing substance and bulk to the stool and reducing hunger. As this happens, there is virtually no increase in calories, and there is no spiking of blood sugar levels.


Health Benefits of Eating Insoluble Fibre

Your body cannot function without incorporating insoluble fiber into your diet.insoluble fibre foods

It is vital to keep your digestive system healthy and reduce the risk of the many diseases that are becoming more prevalent in society.

These diseases are gut-associated illnesses such as colitis, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, bowel cancer, and many general chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.


Insoluble Fibre Has Additional Health Benefits.

Prevents or Relieves Constipation

Insoluble fibers bulk up the food, increasing the rate at which food goes through the digestive system, relieving constipation.

Reduces the risk of bowel pockets forming and developing into diverticulitis. There is also a reduced risk of developing hemorrhoids which is often a side effect of being constipated.

Reduces the Risk of Bowel Cancer

When food moves through the digestive tract at a healthy rate, there is not enough time for harmful material to build up in the intestine, causing putrefaction and infection.

The immunity in the gut is also supported by the nutrients being supplied to keep the microbiota healthy and strong.

Increases the Absorption of Nutrients 

Food must pass through the gut at an optimum rate or speed. Too fast or too slow can cause many issues, including the poor absorption of key nutrients you need to be healthy.

Insoluble fiber assists in the healthy transition of bulk through the gut to obtain maximum absorption of all micronutrients and macronutrients.

Detox Your Body

The digestive system is an important eliminative organ and therefore helps the body to get rid of toxins.

If there is not enough fibre in the diet, toxins can be reabsorbed back into the body and pressure other organs such as the liver and kidneys to get rid of them. Toxins can create havoc with the immune system and certainly increase the risk of the many chronic diseases we see today.