Is A Low Fibre Foods Diet Healthy?

low fibre foods diet

A low fibre foods diet is a diet low in dietary fibre or roughage

Dietary fibre is the indigestible part of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and grains that passes through the intestinal tract.

We discuss the dangers of a  low fibre food diet to your health

Dangers of Eating Low Fibre Foods

Fibre provides nourishment for beneficial microorganisms in the gut known as probiotics and keeps the bowel moving regularly and cleanly. Without good fibre foods, you may experience constipation, skin eruptions, fatigue, immune problems, and an increased risk of many degenerative diseases.

White bread, pasta, meat, cakes, biscuits, crackers, and many kinds of cereal contain very little digestive fibre and often lack other basic nutrients. While low fibre foods have historically not received much attention for contributing to deadly diseases, as much as perhaps, sugar or cholesterol have. Still, today scientists worldwide are confirming inadequate dietary fibre may be one of the leading causes of many degenerative diseases.


Western countries are notorious for their “modern” diets, which contain mostly low fibre foods that can contribute to colon cancer, digestive disorders, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Colon Cancer

Fibre not only keeps the gut working fast and clean but also protects it against various types of cancerous changes.

New research linking low fibre foods with an increased risk of colon and rectal cancer was published in 2012. As part of an ongoing multicentre study funded by the Imperial College London in the UK, over 500,000 volunteers were followed over an 11 year period. People whose dietary intake of fibre was less than 10g per day were found to be at much greater risk of colorectal cancers, with cereal fibres playing possibly the most important role in protecting against disease.

Cardiovascular Disease

Eating good fibre foods each day doesn’t just affect your digestion. Good amounts of fibre help clear the body of unwanted cholesterol and triglycerides, balance blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity, and eliminate toxins. When your diet is primarily made up of low fibre foods, these unhealthy fats and toxins continue to circulate and build, contributing to high blood triglycerides and total cholesterol levels.low fiber diet

In one review of research by the Complutense University of Madrid in 2012, researchers confirmed the positive effects that a diet high in fibre had on human cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, insulin sensitivity and antioxidant profile. Foods with fibre and good fibre supplements will protect your heart and your arteries from degenerative diseases.

Emotional and Mental Health

If you are experiencing increased stress or low moods, low fibre foods may be influencing your emotions. Researchers are aware of a phenomenon known as the “gut-brain axis” – a connection between the mind and the digestive system that goes all the way back to the womb. In contrast, a foetus, the digestive system and the nervous system were produced from the same dividing cells. While research into the gut-brain axis is still in its infancy, several clinical studies have already linked eating foods with fibre to changes in emotions and mood.

In a study funded by Cardiff University in 2002, researchers found that people who ate good fibre foods also experienced more emotional and mental well-being than those who ate a low-fibre diet.

Immune Function

What you eat plays an important part in how well your immune system reacts to pathogens and allergens. Low fibre foods contribute to poor cultures of “good bacteria” in the digestive system.

According to a review of research published by the Scientific National Research Council (CSIC) of Spain in 2010, many fibre types, such as inulin, act as prebiotics in the gut, giving food to beneficial microorganisms that give the first line of defence against pathogens. Not only do probiotic bacteria offer direct protection against viruses and fungal infection, but they stimulate an enhanced immune response throughout the body, balance allergic reactions, and improve overall digestion and assimilation of nutrients.

Low Fibre Diet Safety Considerations

If you are not used to high fibre foods, it may take some getting used to. Build up slowly, and allow your digestive system time to adjust and process the increased amounts of roughage. If you add in fibre too quickly, it may be a bit of a shock to the system and cause fermentation, flatulence and bloating!

If you have irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, diverticulitis or any other type of intestinal disease, it is important to speak with your doctor, naturopath or nutritionist first, as some types of fibre may not be safe for you to ingest. Low fibre foods diet health risks probably outweigh the risks of too much fibre, but remember to take it slow and easy and give your body time to adjust.