Fibre Foods for Vegans

The Vegan Menu is Naturally Full of High Fiber Foods.Vegan fibre foods


Vegan Diets are based around lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. It is also rich in legumes which include foods such as chickpeas, lentils, and beans.

All of these are valuable fiber foods for vegans, and the diet can have a great effect on digestive health.

Soluble Fiber Foods

  • oats
  • legumes
  • fruits and vegetables.

Soluble fiber is water-soluble and, as such, forms a gel-like substance in the intestine. The benefits of this soluble fiber include lowering fat absorption and slowing down the digestion of foods allowing for better absorption of nutrients. It can also lower heart disease risk and help stabilize blood sugar levels.

Sources of Insoluble Fiber high fiber cereal

  • whole grains
  • cereals
  • and some vegetables.

Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water or is affected by fluids in the digestive tract.

It remains relatively intact as it moves through the digestive tract.

The insoluble fiber helps reduce the risk of constipation and lowers the risk of bowel pockets and diverticulitis.

Some Foods Contain Soluble and Insoluble Fiber.

There can be some initial adjustment in the digestive system when high soluble foods are included in high amounts. Because bacteria feed on the soluble fiber and can produce gases, and can increase wind.

Also, if legumes haven’t been part of a long-term diet, the enzymes may not efficiently break down the foods. This happens with an adjustment in any diet and generally normalizes as the body gets used to the new way of eating.

Providing a vegan makes healthy choices around the grains, particularly whole grain bread rather than white bread, then the vegan diet is naturally extremely rich in great high fiber foods.

 Nutritious Vegan Fibre Foods include:

  •         Almonds soluble fibre foods
  •          Avocados
  •         Lentils
  •          Broccoli
  •          Flaxseeds
  •          Coconut
  •          Beans
  •          Chickpeas
  •          Apples