Best Keto Diet Fiber Foods

A keto diet is based around a very low-carb and higher-fat diet that helps your body burn fat more efficiently. The keto diet emphasizes that 80% of your total daily calories should come from foods considered healthy fats. It is vital to include plenty of alternative choices to help supplement your intake of the best keto diet fiber foods.

Fiber is a nutrient essential to normalize our digestive health and support the beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Consuming more fiber during the keto diet is essential to avoid common digestive problems, such as constipation.

Many Americans underestimate the importance of eating enough high-fiber foods. In fact, they are only consuming about half the amount of fiber they should have daily.  

The suggested amount of fiber for an adult is 25 grams per day for women and 38 grams for men.

Best Fiber Foods for the Keto Diet

It is important to consume plenty of fiber regardless of whether you are on a diet or various eating regimens or not. Fiber has its own array of health benefits that everyone should be aware of.  With the ketogenic diet, it is more important to consume fiber with as few carbohydrates as possible. The goal is to eat high-fat and low-carb. There are plenty of food choices that will give you the results you desire without impeding the overall goals the ketogenic diet possesses.

Keto Vegetables

An essential part of the keto diet is non-starchy vegetables because they provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals. Not only are they jam-packed with antioxidants, but they provide plenty of fiber.  Some of the best keto fiber foods that are also keto-friendly vegetables include:

  •          Leafy greensketo veges
  •          Broccoli
  •          Cauliflower
  •          Cabbage
  •          Brussel sprouts
  •          Peppers
  •          Asparagus
  •          Zucchini
  •         Artichokes
  •          Mushrooms

Cauliflower is a popular choice when following the keto diet. It is used as a rice and grain substitute. It is a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.  It is a source of choline, which is very important for brain and liver health.

Broccoli is another cruciferous vegetable with several important nutrients, such as fiber, folate, potassium, and vitamins C and K.

Keto Nuts

Eating nuts on keto are fine in small-to-moderate amounts. They are excellent sources of fiber and trace minerals. High-fiber nuts contain 5 grams and 13 grams of fiber per cup. When it comes to healthy snacks, nuts are great. You can eat them whole or add chopped nuts to a salad or veggie dish. Some of the best nuts for keto fiber foods include:

  •          AlmondsKeto Diet Nuts
  •          Walnuts
  •          Pistachios
  •          Brazil nuts
  •          Pecans
  •          Hazelnuts
  •          Pine nuts
  •          Macadamia nuts

Almonds are a very popular nut. They are ample in healthy fats, antioxidants, and essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, manganese, and magnesium. One ounce of raw almonds provides 4 grams of fiber and 3 grams of net carbs.

Pistachios are high in healthy fats and vitamin B6.  It is an essential vitamin that helps with the formation of hemoglobin.

Keto Seeds

Seeds are another keto-fiber food that is good in moderation to remain in ketosis. Full seeds, ground seeds, and seed butter will help increase the fiber intake. They also provide important nutrients, essential fatty acids, and proteins.

The best keto fiber seeds to incorporate into a ketogenic diet include:best keto seeds

  •          Sesame seeds
  •          Flax seeds
  •          Chia seeds
  •          Sunflower seeds
  •          Pumpkin seeds


Flax seeds are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants. They are excellent support for detoxifying the colon. About two tablespoons of flaxseed provide 4 grams of fiber with zero net carbs.

Chia seeds are rich in many nutrients, thus are considered a superfood. They are high in antioxidants, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, manganese, and several other minerals and vitamins.  They are often used for digestive health and help balance blood sugar levels. About two tablespoons provide 11 grams of fiber and 2 grams of net carbs.

Keto Fruits

The fruit has always been considered a very natural food. In the ketogenic diet, you must pick the right fruits.  Some fruits have a higher amount of carbs than others. Some keto-friendly fruits include:

  •          RaspberriesBest Keto Diet fruits
  •          Blackberries
  •          Strawberries
  •          Plum
  •          Clementine
  •          Kiwi
  •          Cherries
  •          Blueberries
  •          Cantaloupe
  •          Peach
  •          Tomatoes

Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries are a delicious summer fruit. Berries are considered the most antioxidant-rich fruits. Regular consumption has shown a reduced risk of chronic inflammation, heart disease, and certain forms of cancer.

Avocado is considered to be the best source of healthy fats. The rich, smooth vegetable can be added to a variety of dishes. Avocados are a great source of folate, fiber, potassium, and vitamins K and C.  A small avocado can provide 9 grams of fiber and 3 grams of net carbs.

Although some people would say a tomato is a vegetable, it is actually a fruit. Tomatoes are a good choice in low carbs and low-fat fruits that are acceptable to consume on the keto diet. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which can help prevent heart disease.

A  Low-Carb Keto Diet Has Many Health Benefits.

The keto diet has been found to help control seizures in those with epilepsy but has reached whole new popularity as the health benefits outweigh the potential side effects. It has numerous health benefits, including weight loss, lowering blood pressure, and in some cases lowering cholesterol levels.

The ketogenic Diet Conclusion

As with all things in life, moderation is the best advice. The ketogenic diet can be successful but is really a lifestyle change. It can be overwhelming and challenging at times but is well worth it. The amount of keto fiber foods that are acceptable and available are in abundance. With careful planning and research, you can successfully select the appropriate foods that will increase your fiber intake while remaining within the parameters of the keto diet.

If you struggle with natural food choices that are keto fiber foods and acceptable on the ketogenic food list, you must consider supplements available in local supermarkets.